Contact Us2023-08-22T01:53:53+00:00

Contact Us

Send us a message

If you have any questions or concerns about any of our products or services, you may contact us below and our team will be happy to assist.

    Visit our office

    11 Taylor Street, Woodbrook, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago.

    Give us a call

    • Office +1(868)235-4274

    • Whatsapp +1(868)302-6843

    Contact Our Personnel

    • Sales Department
      [email protected]

    • Accounts Department
      [email protected]

    • Hotline
      Whatsapp +1(868)302-6843

    • Human Resources Department
      [email protected]

    • Laboratory Testing Department
      [email protected]


    When and how do I get my test results2020-07-10T19:18:06+00:00

    Most of the results for tests performed locally at our laboratory will be available within 24 to 48 hours. A few tests take longer. You can receive your results immediately after they have been released by our laboratory personnel. These results are available on your mobile phone or computer with restricted access to ensure that your information remains confidential. We can also send results directly to your healthcare provider at your request. You can request a hard copy of your results that you may collect at our facility.

    Where are my specimens sent for testing?2020-07-10T19:16:36+00:00

    We process almost all lab tests at our main state-of-the-art laboratory facility at 11 Taylor Street, Woodbrook, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. The few specialty tests that are not performed at our laboratory are sent to an accredited reference laboratory.

    What will happen during the specimen collection procedure and how long will it take?2020-07-10T19:15:11+00:00

    After registration, most tests only take a few minutes. One of our phlebotomists (a health care professional who is trained and certified to collect blood), will take you to a private area to collect your blood. He or she will also advise you in the collection of any other specimens that are necessary. Consent must be given so that samples can be collected by our phlebotomist.

    Do I need to fast before my specimen/s are collected?2020-07-10T19:12:17+00:00

    Some tests do require that you sustain from eating and drinking for several hours before the test. Cholesterol, glucose and lipid tests are a few examples of these tests.Once you have confirmed your request, we will contact you with the necessary guidelines on how you should prepare for the requested tests.You should also ask your health care provider about any specific instructions for the tests that have been ordered for you.

    How do I make a Request to have tests done?2020-07-09T16:25:46+00:00

    It is advisable that you schedule an appointment so that we can attend to your requests as efficiently as possible. You can schedule an appointment with us using any of the following methods that may be convenient to you:

    • Website (click here)
    • WhatsApp (+18683910008)
    • Telephone (+18682354274)
    • Email ([email protected])

    We also accept walk in customers. A requisition from your health care provider may be necessary for some of our laboratory services.

    What should I know prior to my tests?2020-07-09T16:22:22+00:00

    It is advisable that you consult with your doctor when considering laboratory testing services. He/she will be able to advise you on which tests are most suitable to your particular needs. We accept walk-in customers however, we advise that you schedule an appointment with us. By scheduling an appointment, we can serve you as efficiently as possible at a day and time most convenient to you. We can also advise you on how best you should prepare for your visit with us for example:

    • If you need to fast before having your blood drawn
    • The cost of tests
    • Any documents needed
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